Treatment with Enuresis alarm.

How does it work?

Much improved !

In 1907 Pfaundler has invented the first alarm device for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis.

Treatment with Enuresis alarm.

How does it work?

Although this is the most effective and sustainable bedwetting solution, treatment with the enuresis alarm is often misunderstood.

Yet it’s the first line solution according to the Canadian Paediatric Society.

Modern alarms meet your needs.

Some parents fear that the alarm will frighten their child whilst others are concerned that the alarm won’t wake the child up at all.

Modern alarms like the NIGHT GUARD system, effectively address the concerns of parents with a variety of music and sounds so that you can start the treatment gently (soft music).

If necessary, medium as well as more forceful melodies are available for deep sleepers. Of course, the volume is adjustable.

Adding a vibrator under the mattress, in combination with the alarm, has significantly increased the system’s efficiency.

So much so, that in most cases, a softer sound set at a low volume is enough to wake your child.

In addition, the use of extra lights makes the child feel secure as well as lighting the way for parents to get to the room.

This type of enuresis treatment does however request a little attention and monitoring by parents as well as an effort on the part of the child.

But Gradually, as treatment progresses, the conscious effort becomes reflex and bedwetting will soon be a thing of the past.

Exclusive benefits of using the bedwetting alarm?

One of the benefits that only the enuresis alarm offers is the strengthening of the sphincter.

This reinforcement will allow the child to have a better holding capacity, even during the day which will in turn be beneficial to them in adulthood.

The process.

As we have previously seen “BEDWETTING SOLUTIONS !” spending your nights with your hand under the sheet to detect when your child starts wetting the bed is just not feasible.

This is why we use an enuresis alarm or bedwetting alarm that will detect exactly when your child starts to wet the bed.

Detection is performed using a cotton-flannel band installed directly in the child’s underpants.

The detection is extremely fast, so that the bed will not be wet.

What is happening exactly?

When your child is asleep, their bladder attempts to wake them, but after being unsuccessful it relaxes, which is when bedwetting starts.

As soon as the system detects wetness the alarm wakes the child causing a (desired) contraction of the sphincter which instantaneously stops the peeing.

The alarm also alerts you so you can help your child go to the bathroom to pee.

Hint: If your room is too far away, use a baby monitor to hear the alarm from your child’s room.

Better alarm … Better chances of success !

Just like your own child, most bedwetting children sleep very deeply which is why choosing the right enuresis alarm is very important.

It must be able to quickly detect when your child starts wetting the bed, but more importantly it needs to be able to wake them up simultaneously.

Be careful because the use of an inadequate alarm for your child could have reverse effects, that is to say, dissuade you or discourage you and / or your child from using this method, which when properly implemented, gives the best results and the best chance of success.

In fact, with Enureflex, thanks to the performance of the Night Guard system and our customized support system, over 95% of children are treated successfully and now sleep with dry beds.

Average duration of treatment?

In general, only a few weeks are enough (4-6 weeks on average) for a child to stop wetting the bed completely.

In fact, after treatment:
– A significant portion of treated children will wake on their own once a night to use the bathroom.


– Others hold it in all night without having to get up.


– And finally some of them combine the two: some nights they get up and go to the bathroom and other nights they hold it in.

In all cases the problem is fixed and you will have a happy child who’s proud of himself.

And for you?  No more washing sheets every morning.

Bonus: Your child can now drink at will and you’ll no longer have to restrict or monitor fluid intake.

Several trusted medical sources such as “The Canadian Paediatric Society“, recommend starting with non-drug treatments based on a warning/alarm system.

This type of treatment remains the most effective and least expensive.

Quick Questions

Quick Questions

I'm afraid my child will be traumatized by the alarm.

Traumatized?  Most definitely not.

Not more than any normal alarm clock.

I’m not going to tell you that it’s pleasant, but being woken up by an alarm during the night, in the morning or during a nap is never pleasant regardless of how old you are.

But it’s certainly not ‘traumatic’.

Treatment with an enuresis alarm is the best way to condition the subconscious.

It is precisely the slight unpleasantness of the alarm and being woken up, which will train the subconscious mind to react and wake the child up before the alarm even goes off.

Think about it!   You set the alarm to wake you up at 7:00 AM and what happens?   Your subconscious wakes you up 5 minutes early.

It’s the same for your child, except that he must learn to wake up to the bladder’s signal.

Don’t worry, the Night Guard Alarm has much sounds to offer.  Somes are very soft and others are more agressive, so you will find the good one for your child.

Always start treatment at the lowest setting and adjust it yourself over the following days depending on how deeply your child sleeps.

This is precisely why it is very important to choose an alarm that allows for the maximum amount of adjustments in order to adapt to your child’s needs.

(Topic: Treatment with enuresis alarm.)

If I get up at night, do I take this opportunity to also wake up my child?


From the moment you start the treatment; the child must either wake up on his own, or be woken by the alarm.

View it as an exercise; you wouldn’t deprive your child of important exercises would you?

Well, it’s the same every time he wets the bed and is awoken by the alarm.

It’s an exercise, and each time, his sphincter contracts which is exactly what is needed.

In summary, if you get up during the night, go to the bathroom but let your child sleep.

(Topic: Treatment with enuresis alarm.)

What happens if my child doesn’t wake up?

In the past, when we’ve used alarms that don’t vibrate and it sometimes wasn’t enough to wake certain children.

In this respect the Night Guard System really is superior.

However, it is always possible that your child is more difficult to wake than average. 

Don’t worry, it may take a few extra days but we’ll get there.

Besides, this is where the personalized advice and support really come into play.

We will work with you to make all the necessary adjustments so that your child wakes up and his bladder contracts.

Note, however, that at the beginning of treatment, the alarm clock will not guarantee that your child actually gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom.

In the initial stages of treatment, the alarm clock ensures that the child has heard the alarm, had an automatic bladder contraction and stopped peeing.

There will be gradual progression, the child’s sphincter will strengthen day by day, waking up will becoming easier and the desired reflex will develop.

(Topic: Treatment with enuresis alarm.)

Unleash your family’s daily influence of enuresis.

Take action today and get rid of this problem.

This article “ Treatment with enuresis alarm. How does it work? ” has been written and published by Enureflex Clinic