Testimonies confirm it.
Our support is more than excellent !

Follow-up and support for use

The way to use Urine-Alert will be very different depending on the age group and the goal to be reached.

That is why we will accompany you the time needed to familiarize you with your device according to your goal.

Whether you choose renting or buying, you are not left alone to yourself.

Increase your chances of success

In combination with your system, you also get personalized follow-up and support.

By regularly monitoring all our users, this allows us to quickly correct small mistakes, bad habits, or small problems that may arise.

Each situation is unique, so an Enureflex advisor will contact you to:

– Answering to the different questions that may arise during use.
– Advise you on the best way to use your device related you your goal.
– Support and help you until your goal is successfully complete.

Enureflex accompanies you.

In fact, this means that we will be there for you.  We want to be sure that everything is going well.

You may have questions between our follow up.  At any times, we stay available.  Just call or email us.

You get more than a simple device

Many customers report that follow-up and support was a crucial factor in achieving their goal.

The mere fact of being able to talk to an advisor and feel supported has been a great help.

Quick Questions

How long do you offer support?

Our support is offered at will, as long as you need it. However, we need to make a distinction between follow up and support.

Follow up (we communicate with you) is for a period up to three months.

The support (you call when you need) is offered as long as you need it.

Do I have to pay an extra for follow up and support?

No, you do not have to pay anything extra for follow up and support, it is included with your device, whether you buy or rent it.

How much support and monitoring is helpful ?

Its really very helpful ! Advice and small corrections often make a big difference.

When we communicate with our customers, there are almost always some small corrections to do,  on the way to use the device related to their specific needs.

Your Enureflex advisor will guide you through those different situations that may arise.